New Member Orientation Welcome to the Metropolitan United Methodist Church Family! We are grateful that you have chosen us as your church home and we sincerely thank God for ordering your steps. Our hearts and hands are open to receive you and to assist you in your spiritual walk. We encourage you to be faithful and steadfast. Please know that we are available to you and your family as well; when needed. We are greatly anticipating working closely with you. Therefore, whatever your hands find to do, do it to the glory and honor of God as the word of God declares in Matthew 9:37, 38. “The Harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few.” It is our prayer that God will continue to add laborers – such as you, to the body. Are you curious about what being a disciple of Jesus Christ is all about? Are you wondering what United Methodists believe? Are you interested in learning more about Metropolitan United Methodist Church? We invite you to explore these questions and more by clicking our videos below! |