BAPTISM The Baptismal Covenant is God's word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace, and our word to God promising our response of faith and love. Those within the covenant constitute the community we call the church; therefore, the services of the Baptismal Covenant are conducted during the public worship of the congregation where the person's membership is to be held, except in very unusual circumstances. These services are best placed in the order of worship as a response following the reading of Scripture and its exposition in the sermon. Persons of any age are suitable candidates. Infants and others unable to take the vows for themselves are presented by Parents/Sponsors/Godparents. There may also be Sponsors when candidates can speak for themselves. Parents/Sponsors/Godparents should be members of Christ's holy church. Those baptized before they are old enough to take the vows for themselves make their personal profession of faith in the service called confirmation. Those who are able to take the vows for themselves at their baptism are not confirmed, for they have made their public profession of faith at the font. Baptism is not administered to any person more than once, for while our baptismal vows are less than reliable, God's promise to us in the sacrament is steadfast. All Parents/Sponsors/God parents must meet with the Pastor before a baptism date can be scheduled. Please use the Baptism Registration Form to register a person. We also encourage Parents/Sponsors/Godparents to view the video below before your appointment. BAPTISM VIDEO FOR PARENTS-SPONSORS-GODPARENTS |
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